Strelec, Mihajlo (2004) Usporedba dviju izvornih tehnika rekonstrukcije stijenke maternice pri laparoskopskoj enukleaciji intramuralnog mioma. PhD thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Obje grupe nisu se značajno razlikovale po dobi, po paritetu ili po veličini mioma. Zaključujemo da su obje tehnike rekonstrukcije materične stjenke nakon.
Holy shit, a soldier stripped almost naked and towed around the city in a barbaric display by the 'Free Syrian Army', virtually a sight from the dark ages. The cameraman describes the dead man as 'khaain' (traitor) and mentions the name of Bashar Al-Assad and says that this is what will happen to the 'traitors' who are supporting him.;amp;amp;amp;lang=en A video shows the abuses of a Syrian soldiers’ dead body in a street of Yabroud area on 25-4-2012 Update: It has been noticed that an edited version of this video is being circulated by the 'Free Syrian Army' as propaganda against the Syrian government. The edited version ends at only 2.20 minutes (this version uploaded here is 3.19) in order to cut out the speech which comes after 2.20. Without this damning speech it is being posted as an anti-government person killed by the government, with some going ridiculously as far as to say it was a peaceful protester, when in reality they themselves are filming the gruesome desecration of a murdered government soldier!!! For example, one such Arabic link is cutting out at 2.20. An English language link to another is and is titled '+18 Protester killed and dragged by al assad's militias to terrorize the people in Syria', and this version cuts out at 2.42 after the cameraman says 'this is a traitor', and before he talks about Bashar Al-Assad.
Koji tip treninga? DEO Ponedeljak, Novosadska TV jutarnji program u U danasnjem gosotovanju Miki VELIKI nastavlja pricu o tome zasto hormon kortizol tako snazno utice na rad celokupnog naseg organizma. 'TRAIN WITH BRAIN' by Miki VELIKI TEMA: 10 BRZIH POPRAVKI ZA HORMON KORTIZOL - 2. Obrazec sluzhebnoj zapiski o doplate za rasshirenie zoni obsluzhivaniya. 10 jednostavnih pravila, koja ce vam pomoci da hormonski nivo kortizola drzite u granicama normale: 1. Ne duze od 1h treninga i ne zajedno trening snage i visoko intezivni sprint kardio!