2(2)-3(3), no. 6(6)-8(8) 1996: no. 1(9)-5(13), no.
INSURANCE AS A TOOL FOR STEADY DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE Konstantin Didenko, Vladimir Janson, Vitalijs Jurenoks Technical University – Riga, Latvia ABSTRACT The research of development of agriculture over the last years has shown the necessity to develop stabilizing mechanisms ensuring constant and stable development of agriculture.
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8(16)-: spetsvypusk with headline '12 Ianvaria 1997 goda - vybory,' spetsvypusk with headline '16 marta -- vybory v Elektrostal'skii gorodskoi Sovet deputatov,' no. 1(20)-5(25), no.
7(26)-12(31) 1998: no. 1(44)-4(47), no.
6(48)-8(50), no. 11(53)-12(54) 2000: no. 1(55)-4(58), no. 7/8/9(61/62/63) 2001: no.
5/6(70/71)-11/12(76/77) 2002: no. 8/9/10(85/86/87)-12(89) 2003: no. 1(90)-2/3(91/92) 2004: no. 1(93)-2(94), no. 3(97)-4(98)2005: no. 1-5 (issues undated), unnumbered spetsial'nyi vypusk with headline:, 'Politicheskaia karta Rossii'1994? 6-11 (issues undated)1995?
12-14 (issues undated), spetsial'nyi vypusk with headline 'O Rossii i o sebe,' vtoroi spetsial'nyi vypusk (undated), tretii spetsial'nyi vypusk (undated) 1997: no. 17 1998: no.: no. 26-29, one undated and unnumbered spetsvypusk with headline 'Grazhdane! Voidite v polozhenie!,' one undated and unnumbered spetsvypusk with headline 'Razmyshleniia o problemakh.' 30-322001: no.: no.: no. 1-2 1990: no.
3-4, prilozhenie no. 1, prilozhenie no. 3-4, prilozhenie no. 5-101994: no. 1(11) 1995: no. 1(14) 1996: no.
1(15) 1997: no. 1(16)-7(22) 1998: no. 1(23)-3(25), one unnumbered issue with headline 'Otkrytoe pis'mo predsedatelia N. Vasil'eva prezidentu Rossii B. El'tsinu' 1999: no.
1(26)-3(28)2000: no. 1(29) 2001: no. 1(30)-2(31) 2002: no.
1(32) 2003: no. 1(33)-2(34) 2004: no. 1(35) 2005: no. 1(36)-2(37) 2006: no. 5/6-9 1995: no.
29/30-32, no. 38/39-44, no. 50-52(December) 1997: no. 1-52 1998: no. 6-15, no.: no. 37-442002: no. 19/20-22, no.
30/31-32, no. 45-51/52, spetsial'nyi vypusk with headline '23 fevralia 2002 goda -- uchreditel'nyi s'ezd Narodno-patrioticheskoi Partii Rossii' 2003: no.
18-19/20, no. 40-42, no.: no. 14-23, no.: no. 47(118) 1996: no. 48(170) 1997: no. 14(185)-16(187), no.
19(190)-21(192), no. 24(195)-25(196), no. 34(205)-36(207), no. 38(209)-39(210), no.
50(221) 1998: no. 37(259)-39(261), no.
41(263) 1999: no. 11(285)-12(286), no. 26(300) 2000: no. 32(361) 2001: no. 9(390)-12(393), no. 14(395)-19(400), no.
23(404)-24(405), no. 34(415)-36(417), no. 39(420)-41(422), no. 43(424)-46(427), no. 48(429)-50(431) 2002: no.
46(476) 2003: no. 1(483)-3(485), no. 5(487)-26(508), no.
31(513)-44(526), no. 47(529)-50(532), no.
52(534) 2004; no. 1 (October) with headline 'Slishkom vysoka tsena oshibki,' no. 1 (October) with headline 'Dorogu osilit idushchii,' no. 2 (November) with headline 'Dom na furshtadtskoi,' no. 2 (November) with headline 'Secret semeinogo schast'ia,' no.
3(8) (Nov 1999: no. 1(7)-5(11), no. 7(13)2000: no. 8(14)-15(21) 2002: one unnumbered issue with headline 'Dorogie Peterbuzhtsy!,' one unnumbered issue with headline 'Chto proiskhodit na svete?,' one unnumbered issue with headline 'Vlasti nuzhny novye sily,' one unnumbered issue with headline 'Vyberem luchshikh!,' one 2003: one unnumbered issue with headline 'Slava Bogu, poiavilsia real'nyi kandidat v gubernatory!' 1(41)-23(63), no. 26(66)-28(68) 2000: no.
1(69)-2(70), no. 4(72)-7(75), no. 8(76) with headline 'Ego slovu vnimal ves' mir,' no. 8(76) with headline 'Sud ustanovil narusheniia zakona,' no. 8(76) with headline 'Obrashchenie k voennosluzhashchim i veteranam,' no. 8(76) with headline 'Komm2001: no.