Wolfram Mathematica is a comprehensive computing environment which provides the principal, breadth, and depth mathematical computation environment. Mathematica is an advanced technical programming language, it can be used on all kinds of mathematical analysis, scientific, engineering, and technical computing fields.
The program sometimes called as a computer algebra program, with statistics, graphics, visualization, and general programming functions. Wolfram Mathematica 10 is an integrated technical computing system, breadth and depth computation environment. Mathematica combines powerful computing software with a convenient user interface, features symbolic and numeric computation, 2D and 3D data visualization, programming capabilities. Key features: • 2D and 3D data visualization and animation tools • Comprehensive mathematical function libraries • Data mining, cluster analysis, and computational geometry • Financial calculations, and symbolic tensor functions • Hypothesis testing, and probability calculations • Import and export document, media, and biomedical formats • Interval arithmetic and symbolic computation • Procedural and object oriented programming • Regular expressions and semantic analysis tools • Matrix and data manipulation tools, and more. Screenshot: Minimum Requirements: • Windows Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 or Server 2008/ 2012 (32-bit or 64-bit) • 2.4 GHz multi-core processor • 2 GB RAM • 8.8 GB disk space How to install/activate: • Disconnect from internet (most important) • Unpack and install the software (run setup) • Run the software and register in offline • For more information, check readme file! • Never update, block the program by a firewall • Enjoy Mathematica 10.4 Full Version Wolfram Mathematica 10.4.1 Full Crack – 2.4 GB Pass: www.masterkreatif.com.
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