Anglijskij Yazik Dlya Bakalavrov Agabekyan Uchebnik

Anglijskij Yazik Dlya Bakalavrov Agabekyan Uchebnik

The purpose of public relations is to inform, shape opinions and attitudes, and motivate. This can be accomplished only if people receive messages constantly and consistently. Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. No Archives Categories.

• Are these statements t rue or false? Correct the false sentences: • Science and technology are closely related. • Revolution refers to the ways in which people use discoveries to satisfy needs and desires.

• It was not until the 17th century that technology truly was based on modern science. • The scientific revolution that began in the 16th century was the first time that science and technology began to work together.

• Throughout human history, men and women have invented tools, machines, materials and techniques, to make their lives harder. Are these statements true or false? 1) Michael Faraday, English experimental physicist, was born in 1795 in a rich family. 2) Sir Humphry Davy made Faraday his assistant and helped him in his education. 3) Faraday had many unimportant discoveries.

4) Faraday produced the first electric current. 5) He refused to be knighted. Fill in the gaps: • Michael Faraday, English experimental, was born in in a family. • Faraday had many important. • Faraday produced the first mechanical by means of a permanent and an electric. • He to become President of and also refused to be.

• Faraday was very and he loved his more than honors. Answer the questions: 1. What were his discoveries? What is the principle upon which the modern electric motor is based? Do you consider that his discoveries are very important now?

Public limited investment shareholders donors company: 2. Money that profit donations investment people put in: 3. Staff: volunteers employees shareholders 4. Limited board of go shares profit company: vernors 5. Charity: donors investors surplus 6. Trust: council of trustees shares board of governors 9.

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Match the information about these multinational companies to the correct company logo 1. Company logo Company activities The company says 1. The third largest record company in the world.


It s also the world s largest publisher of songs and music a we are committed to providing high quality food 2. The world s largest hamburger restaurant company. It has over 19,000 restaurants in 100 countries 3.

Sbornik receptur blyud i kulinarnih izdelij zdobnov ciganenko skachatj. Nada Cecez-Glogovac – Prilikom napada na Donje Selo poginuli su takodje Niksic Velija i Boric S., ubili su ih njihovi saborci, Niko na Donjem Selu nije metka opalio, napad je izveden u poslije podnevnim casovima,niko se nije nadao da bi prve komsije i Konjicani tako nesto mogli uraditi.Kasnije se ispostavilo da su Veliju namjerno ubili, a Boric je ubijen sto je bio svjedok tog ubistva.

This company provides news and financial data to the business community 4. This company is an international air-express carrier.

It delivers packages and documents all over the world b (We) lead the world in provision of news and financial information to broadcasters, newspapers, financial markets and on-line services c We aim to be the world s premier music company in all aspects of our business d We keep our promises Robbins S. First Insights into Business (St s book). Pearson Education Limited, P.

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